School & Early Years Websites Connect

…. provides clear, attractive and easily managed low-cost websites for nurseries, early years groups, schools, parents’ and youth organisations.
We understand that you want your website to be accessible, lively and welcoming; and that you also need to share important information with your website readers.

To discuss the options further, please contact us here.

Special introductory offer

The price of each of the next few website packages we create is
> a flat £300 fee if you have any paid helpers or workers; and
> just £200 if you have absolutely no paid staff or support.

These fees may have to be increased quite shortly.

Generally there need not be any other up-front costs unless you have special requirements. There are also normally no on-going charges for web-hosting etc; i.e. the website is free for you to use withour further payment, once it has been created.

We will however of course provide support and advice as you begin using your website, if you would like this.

To find out more, please email us here with any specific enquiries, your name and, if possible, a telephone number.

For our general Terms and Conditions please see here.